Sunday, September 22, 2013

TOW #2: AT&T Commercial - It's Not Complicated "Jokes"

Commercials have never been my favorite aspect of the television business. I've always regarded them as interrupters to my highly important and anticipated shows. My views slightly changed though, when I saw the first It's Not Complicated commercial from AT&T. It is obvious that the marketers for this increasingly popular cell phone company know what they are doing. The purpose of the commercial, as clear as any other, is to buy the product. In this case, AT&T providers want you to pay them to be your cell phone provider. The way they go about persuading audiences, though, is very unique. Everyone has a soft spot in their heart for kids, and by bringing out that emotion, the speakers can demonstrate a very high level of pathos. The kids in all of the commercials are extremely funny and sweet. In this commercial particularly, one of the children tells a joke, and another one of the kids does not understand the humor. It has a major "awww" factor. The writer of the commercial used the humor along with the youthful freedom of the kids to create a  tone of happiness and sunshine, which is something that rarely shows through during those long commercial breaks. The audience of these commercials would be TV watchers, but more directly it would be parents who pay for their service providers. Any parent would feel a nostalgic connection, and think about their own children at that age. This makes AT&T more rateable and friendly as a company. This commercial also strengthens AT&T's ethos. The writers create a persona, of welcoming and family-based ideology, which makes customers feel comfortable. I personally look forward to seeing these short clips when I turn on my television, and laugh at each one every time. Even though it is media, and so much these days is scripted, to me these commercials feel fully genuine. While other providers seem to always be manipulating in their commercials, these do not give off that vibe. They give off the feeling of honest innocence, and that is why they are my favorite!

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