Sunday, February 23, 2014

TOW #19: "Olympic Winter Games have damaging effect on Sochi's environment," Geert Groot Koerkamp

Every 4 years, the most talented athletes from all around the world unite in one city to fight for the most prestigious titles in their sport. Whether it is summer or winter, these strong competitors will give the games all they have in order to get gold. This year, 2014, Sochi, Russia was given the incredible honor to host this inspiring event. To make this year as memorable as possible, the Russian government put in loads of money and energy, the most expensive Olympics to date. Money was not the only cost the games created though. The consequences that this extravagance had on the environment proved to be even worse. The arenas, stadiums, and training facilities that are constructed every four years truly take a toll on the surrounding areas. In the article, "Olympic Winter Games have damaging effect on Sochi's environment," the author Geert Groot Koerkamp uses elaborate imagery and juxtaposition to explain the wildlife preserve that was diminished by the construction for the Olympics. "Behind the sign is a large pond with ducks and other water birds, surrounded by bare terrain with sparse, recently planted vegetation. On all sides it's surrounded by residential areas built to host athletes and journalists. If anything, this ‘ornithological park' is reminiscent of a large urban pond." Following this statement, Koerkamp goes on to describe the piece of land as it once was, "a mixture of agricultural land and wetlands of great importance to birds and rare plants." By using the words "bare" and "sparse" the author is able to create a desolate atmosphere and tone for readers. The later mentioned "agricultural land" of "great importance" contrasts sharply with the previous idea. Later in the article, Koerkamp uses an anecdote, provided by a woman who lived near the construction, named Tatyana. She was not happy with the destruction of her home, nor with the lack of consideration that was paid to her. By including this authentic story, the author makes the article easier to relate to and more genuine. The opinion of Tatyana supports his claim, that the construction for the 2014 Olympics has deteriorated the environment. The purpose in writing this article was to inform audiences that money is not the only cost of the Olympics. While these competitions are a wonderful presentation of talent and friendship, negative factors are involved that people should be aware of.

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